
Communications Team

Meet your Provincial Communications Officer


Hi to all,

It is a huge privilege and honour to be able to introduce myself as your newly appointed Provincial Communications Officer for the Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Province of Berkshire. Most of you will know that I spent many years as the Social Media Officer for the Craft and Royal Arch in Berkshire, establishing a social media presence and improving engagement both internally and externally.

I was delighted to accept the office of PCO for Berkshire Mark/RAM. I am lucky to be supported by an excellent communications team who have a wealth of Masonic and technical ability within communications. The team are working hard on various projects to support the province, its membership and our various stake holders/beneficiaries. As we move forward the team will be producing a regular newsletter, organising social and educational events under the banner of the new Make Your Mark Club, expanding and raising our profile on our social media channels and improving communications and engagement with our members. 

The comms team are not just here to support the provincial executive and the province. We are very happy to support individual lodges with the development of social media channels and websites. Please feel free to contact as any time to discuss how we can help you.

The Mark/RAM Province of Berkshire is a thriving province enjoying steady growth in its membership. The communications team is vital to the development of the province. We are always keen to welcome new members onto the team, no specific experience is required as full training will be given. If you are able to assist we would be delighted to hear from you.

Please “stay tuned” to this section of the website as we will be providing regular updates as well as top tips on social media, websites and lodge communications.

I hope you enjoy reading our latest news and we look forward to working with you all in the future.

Mark Well!!

Mark Davis PCO

Email: [email protected] 


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