Mark Masonry Degree Microsite View MARK Information
Royal Ark Mariner Degree Microsite View Royal Ark Mariner Information

Welcome to the Mark and Royal Ark Mariner website for the Provincial Grand Lodge of Berkshire.  Please either use the top menu headings to navigate through the website as a whole or click on either the Mark or Royal Ark Mariner Banner to find information relevant to that Order only.  I hope you will find the website informative and of interest whether you are already a Mark Master Mason or Royal Ark Mariner or someone who is interested in becoming a member of either order or someone who is just browsing.

I would like to extend a personal welcome to you as The Provincial Grand Master of both orders in the Province of Berkshire.

Please enjoy and explore the different areas of the website, which I hope will inform you on how Mark Masonry and the Royal Ark Mariner degree can enhance your Masonic life and learning.

You will see that Berkshire has 19 Mark Lodges and 9 Royal Ark Mariner Lodges.  A Province of this size does mean that many members know each other well and this helps to create a very happy Province.  Long may that continue.

If you are not a member of either the Mark Degree or Royal Ark Mariner then I recommend you seriously consider joining us.  You will be assured of a very warm welcome for “among Mark Master Masons you will ever find friends”.

Graham D Seeman

Provincial Grand Master

News Headlines

23rd Jul

Pangbourne Lodge 1094 ends the year on a high!!

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20th Jul

Provincial Grand Lodge Thursday 12th September 2024

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20th Jul


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16th Jul

Congratulations to our Provincial Grand Charity Steward

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16th Jul

Our donation to The October Club

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16th May

This weeks Cranley Lodge of MMM 1616 – Installation – Tuesday 14th May 2024

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16th May

Berkshire pays a visit to Oxfordshire’s Provincial Meeting

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16th May

This weeks meeting of The Pangbourne Mark Lodge 1094 meeting

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21st Apr

Our Provincial Visit to The Provincial Grand Lodge of Hampshire & Isle of Wight Mark Master Masons.

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18th Apr

The Magic of The Mark Breakfast Seminar

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14th Apr

The Provincial Grand Master’s Reception and Dinner

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10th Apr

Bro Phill Damant will fly high!!

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