
Installation Meeting of Windsor Castle Lodge of MMM No. 519

At the regular Installation meeting of the Windsor Castle Lodge of Mark Master Masons, No. 519 on Wednesday 16th November, Worshipful Brother James (Jim) Wakerly was proclaimed as Worship Master for a second year.

The evening was greatly enhanced by a delivery of the Lecture on the Mark Degree Tracing Board which was split into sections and delivered by senior members of the lodge, assisted by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master who gave the first and last sections.

The Provincial Grand Master also presented a Grand Lodge certificate to Brother Francis Rodriguez who was immediately appointed to the office of Inner Guard as part of the new team.  It was extremely pleasing to see that all progressive offices from Inner Guard to Master Overseer are now occupied by Mark Master Masons, something that could have scarcely been imagined just a few years ago.  With the announcement of yet another candidate for Advancement at their next meeting in January the future is looking very bright for Windsor Castle Mark.

Pictured in the historic Windsor Temple are (left to right) R.W. Bro. Graham D. Seeman, Prov.G.M.; Bro. Francis Rodriguez with his new certificate and W. Bro. Jim Wakerly, W.M.

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