
Wilder Lodge of MMM No. 1868 Virtual Business Meeting - Tuesday 27th April 2021

The first VBM of Wilder Lodge was opened by V.W. Bro. Mike Sanders acting as Presiding Officer due to the sad passing of the Worshipful Master during the Pandemic suspension of Freemasonry. The meeting was honoured by the present of the Provincial Grand Master, Deputy Provincial Grand Master and a large number of acting provincial officers. After reading the Lodge dispensation the Presiding Officer delivered eulogies to W. Bro. Peter Lloyd, the Lodge Worshipful Master, and W. Bro. Frank Hames, the Lodge Senior Warden, who both passed away during the shut down. After a moment of reflection to departed merit business commenced with the approval of the minutes of the last regular meeting held on the 22nd October 2019.

Elections followed with W. Bro. Edward (Ted) Lewis being elected as master elect for 2021-22 and V.W. Bro. Mike Sanders re-elected as treasurer. The treasurer gave a brief overview of the Lodge accounts then presented balance sheets for financial years 2019 and 2020. Elections then followed for members to the Lodge committee and for V.W. Bro. Charles Woodward and W. Bro. John Cooley, having duly volunteered, being elected as lodge examiners.

The proposed list of officers for 2021 -22 was discussed with the Presiding Officer pointing out that our present secretary, V.W. Bro. Alan Smee, was standing down and a volunteer was urgently required to fill this important role. A proposal was made that other senior, enthusiastic, members of the province be approached to assist in filling this role. The Presiding Officer agreed to investigate this option.

Before closing the meeting the Presiding Officer advised that the next meeting of the Lodge would be on Tuesday 26th October 2021, which, all things being equal, should be held under normal circumstances at Sindlesham. He thanked all those for attending and closed the meeting at 10.40 am.

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