
Wantage Lodge of MMM No. 1207 receive the Provincial Travelling Keystone – Monday 13th January 2020

On Monday 13thJanuary 2020 I had the great pleasure of representing The Right Worshipful Grand Master to Witness the Travelling Keystone being presented to Wantage Mark Lodge of MMM No. 1207 by the members of Old Rectory Mark Lodge of MMM No. 1398
Representing Old Rectory were:
W.Bro’s. Matt Coward, Peter Lloyd, Trevor Raymond & Tony Champion & Bro’s. Dave Edmonds & Richard Larner.
The Travelling Keystone was received By W.Bro. Henry Bishop in his own excellent manner.

The rest of the meeting was a great success with an excellent & informative talk from Bro. Brigadier Peter Sharpe on Freemasonry & the Armed Forces.

The festive board was a great success with the traditional toasts being given.

W.Bro. Kevin Dodd, Prov.G.M.O.

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