
Wantage Lodge of MMM No. 1207 Installation Meeting - Monday 9th May 2016

The Wantage Lodge of MMM No. 1207 held their Installation Meeting on Monday 9th May 2016 which was attended by the Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Richard Olliver together with his two Wardens and 9 other Active Provincial Officers.
At the meeting W Bro Brian Southgate (pictured below on the left) was Installed as the Worshipful Master for the Masonic year 2016-17 by his predecessor W Bro Peter Kyle, following which the Provincial Grand Master congratulated W Bro Brian (a Past Master in the Province of Warwickshire) on attaining the chair of the Wantage Lodge of MMM No. 1207.

Before the Installation took place the PGM was delighted to be able to present a Patron collarette of the Mark Benevolent Fund to W Bro Peter Rushton (pictured on the right) and thanked him for his generousity in supporting the 2017 Festival.

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