
Wallingford Lodge of MMM No. 1162 – Thursday 28 September 2017

Wallingord Lodge of MMM held its regular meeting at the Wallingford Centre on the 27th September 2017 and was honoured by the presence of the RW Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Richard Olliver, 6 Grand Officers and 10 Active Provincial Officers.

The Provincial Grand Secretary, W Bro Mike Sanders, assumed the chair and opened the Lodge in due form. With the Lodge opened the Provincial Grand Master then presented a Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro Gary Church and wished him a long and happy association with the Order. He then stated that he didn’t feel the need to provide Gary with a leaflet on the Royal Ark Mariner Degree as he knew that he had already submitted his application form to join Wallingford RAM.

A ballot was then held which proved in favour of the candidate, Bro Adrian Fowler, and the ceremony of Advancement commenced which was conducted in full by the Worshipful Master ably supported by his Officers. Particularly noticeable was the enthusiastic way the Master Overseer, W Bro Alan Miles, rejected Adrian’s work and the vigorous attempt by the Lodge Wardens to inflict significant harm to the candidate for attempting to obtain the wages to which he was not entitled.

Following the ceremony 38 brethren sat down to a most convivial festive board with the food served up to its usual high Wallingford standard. At the Festive Board the Worshipful Master reminded the Brethren that the next meeting, on the 15th December 2017, would be a Banner Dedication followed by a white table which he hoped many of those attending tonight would attend.

The attached photograph shows the RW PGM with Bro Gary Church showing his new Grand Lodge Certificate, Bro Adrian Fowler on his Advancement into the order, and the Worshipful Master, W Bro Mike Sanders.
Provincial Secretary’s Note: You will have noted that the member absent in the Leopold Installation photograph has now reappeared in this photograph. As his present in our web photographs still sits at some 98% of all photographs published, I make only two comments; firstly he must be very photogenic!!!!!!!!! and secondly it proves how often our PGM is out and about his Province.

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