
Wallingford Lodge of MMM No. 1162 Installation Meeting - Wednesday 29th June 2016

It was 10 years ago that W Bro Colin Harrison, PM, PPGSwdB (right) was Installed into the Chair of Wallingford Lodge of MMM No. 1162 for the first time by W Bro Ed McTeague and on Wednesday 29th June 2016 he was Installed once again but this time by W Bro Clive Blackburn (left).

Following the ceremony the Provincial Grand Master congratulated W Bro Colin on attaining the chair once again and thanked him most sincerely on his behalf and on behalf of the Lodge for taking the office.

W Bro Colin appointed and invested his officers in a most sincere manner the vast majority of whom are Mark Master Masons progressing through the offices.

Following the ceremony the Worshipful Master and Brethren retired to the festive board which was held in the normal customary manner of concord and fraternal affection.

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