
Valentia Lodge of MMM No. 623- Wednesday 26th October 2016

The Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VW Bro Graham Seeman, PGJO, visited the Valentia Lodge of Mark Master Masons, No 623 on Wednesday 26th October on the occasion of their Installation meeting to see Bro Steve Field installed into the Chair of Adoniram by the outgoing Master W Bro Derek Barrett. It was a well delivered and very heartwarming ceremony which was much enjoyed by all those present. The Deputy Provincial Grand Master was accompanied by no fewer than 12 other Provincial Officers all of whom enjoyed the customary warm welcome from Valentia Lodge.

Although we are becoming used to seeing a good number of Provincial Officers at Installation meetings, both the PGM and DepPGM are very appreciative of the support they receive on such occasions and are always impressed by how generous, with their time, the Provinical Officers of the year are, and how willing they are to fit additional meetings into their already busy schedules.

At the meeting Peter Sargeant and Wilf Mayes, the two longest serving members of the lodge, were elected as Honorary Members.

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