
Valentia Lodge of MMM No. 623 – Wednesday 23rd October 2019

On Wednesday 23rd October, at the Installation Meeting of the Valentia Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 623 in Wokingham, W.Bro. Andy Blatchford was Installed into the Chair of Adoniram by W.Bro. David Barber in an extremely well conducted ceremony which was enjoyed by all. The meeting was attended by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, V.W.Bro. Graham Seeman, P.G.J.O., and eight other active Provincial Officers.

Pictured are (l to r) V.W.Bro. Graham Seeman, Dep.P.G.M.; W.Bro. Andy Blatchford, Worshipful Master; W.Bro. David Barber, Installing Master and W.Bro. Paul Lyden, the outgoing Master.

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