
Valentia Lodge of MMM 23 November 2022

Valentia Lodge of MMM No. 623 enjoyed a very happy and successful meeting which was attended by more than 30 members and guests and it was wonderful to see such numbers both in the Temple and at the Festive Board.

The meeting started with a Presentation of a Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro Neil Carpenter which was carried out by the Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Graham Seeman.

This was followed by an outstanding Advancement ceremony for Bro Grant Walker conducted by the Worshipful Master, W Bro Garrick Steventon.  Every officer played their part superbly but the Oscar for the evening undoubtedly went to W Bro John Remmington as an extremely intimidating Master Overseer!  W Bro John then took the Chair for the explanation of the signs and Conclusion.

The ceremony was followed by an equally enjoyable Festive Board of traditional Christmas fare after which the customary toasts were duly honoured.

When replying to his toast, the Provincial Grand Master congratulated the lodge on a hugely enjoyable evening and expressed his view that enjoyment was key to the attendance of members and guests, which may well have explained the numbers attending Valentia.  He then went on to exhort the brethren to promote the Mark degree in their Craft lodges as well as to make sure that they played an active role in making those Craft lodges successful, and also urged them to consider the Royal Ark Mariner degree before wishing the brethren and their families a Merry Christmas.

Pictured are (l to r): RW Bro Graham Seeman, PGM; Bro Grant Walker; W Bro Garrick Steventon, WM; Bro Neil Carpenter with his newly presented certificate.

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