
Travelling Keystone arrives @ Charles Wilkinson Lodge of MMM No. 1657 – 26th April 2018


Some 40 Brethren attended the regular meeting of The Charles Wilkinson Lodge of MMM No. 1657 on Thursday the 26th April to witness the handing over of the Travelling Keystone from Friendship & Care Lodge of MMM No. 1555.

W Bro Bernard Greenwold, Provincial Grand Junior Warden, representing the Provincial Grand Master and, himself, a Member of Charles Wilkinson Lodge, greeted the assembled Brethren.  W Bro Robert Marchbanks, Worshipful Master of Friendship and Care, together with W Bro Steve Berkshire, GStwd, Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies and ten members of the Lodge presented the Keystone to W Bro Gary Mitchell, Worshipful Master of Charles Wilkinson, in a short but moving ceremony, asking W Bro Gary to take care of it and, in turn, to pass to Erlegh Lodge of MMM No. 1627 on Saturday 19th May 2018.

Following the handing over of the Travelling Keystone, an Advancement ceremony took place at which Bro Martin Sando was admitted into the degree of Mark Master Mason and the Brethren then enjoyed a splendid Festive Board together.

The essence of the Travelling Keystone to encourage visiting between Lodges in the Province was superbly demonstrated in the fine ceremonial and the attendance of so many Brethren from both Lodges.

Pictured above are from Left to right, W Bro Bernard Greenwold (ProvGJW), W Bro Bob Marchbanks (WM Friendship & Care), W Bro Gary Mitchell (WM Charles Wilkinson) and W Bro Steve Berkshire, PGStwd (ProvGDC).

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