
The Travelling Keystone arrives at Caduceus Lodge of MMM No. 1631 – Monday 1st July 2019

The Travelling Keystone was presented and transferred on the 1st July 2019 at the Wallingford Masonic Centre. The Worshipful Master of Caduceus Lodge of MMM 1631, W.Bro. Rodney Bancroft received the Travelling Keystone from the Worshipful Master of Pangbourne Lodge of MMM 1094, W.Bro. Phillip Damant. He was accompanied by eleven members of his Lodge assisted by W.Bro. Mike Warner, Prov.Dep.D.C.
A demonstration of an Advancement ceremony was carried out by the Worshipful Master and his team in an excellent manner.
The ceremony was witnessed by the representative of the R.W.P.G.M. W.Bro. Bob Watson, Prov.G.M.O. Twenty five members and twenty four guests then retired to dine. A most enjoyable evening was enjoyed by all.

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