
Summer Classical Dining – Wednesday 10th July 2019

On Wednesday 10 July 2019 nearly 80 members of the Mark Degree accompanied by family and friends joined together for an evening of Summer Classical Dining. This comprised of a three course summer style meal followed by a concert of Classical and well known music presented once again by Jennifer Coleman, daughter of W.Bro. Dr. Neil Coleman. On this, her fifth visit to aid our charitable efforts, she was accompanied by her friend Reisha Adams. Both are members of the Flemish Opera Company and, as you would expect, they produced a wonderful selection of music to suit all tastes.

During their break for refreshments a raffle was drawn that raised the sum of £500.00. Additionally a ‘heads and tails’ took place, the winner of which won a bottle of Glenmorangie Malt Whisky. This raised a further £115.00. My thanks go to all those who provided the raffle prizes and particularly W.Bro. Hugh Ranscombe for the Glenmorangie. Neil Coleman was particularly pleased to win the prize that he had provided so watch out in case you collect a galleon in full sale in the near future!

After this interval the girls returned to give us a rousing “Last Night of the Proms” finale that encouraged all to join in.

The evening was closed with suitable praise for the girls from V.W. Bro. Graham Seeman, Deputy P.G.M. of the Mark before Jennifer and Reisha concluded with an encore.

The final result was an evening of marvellous entertainment and the Blood Bikes will benefit by receiving the sum of £835.00 so, thanks to all who attended.

W.Bro. Brian Cook

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