
Some 31 Lodge Secretarys, DC’s, Almoners & Charity Stewards came together at the third such event.
Following Breakfast for 17 of those who attended the meeting started at 9.30ish. The Provincial Grand Master thanked all for their attendance and went through the agenda of the morning stressing the point for the meeting to be interactive.
The purpose was to bring the key members of the Lodges in the Province up to speed on the progress of the Working Parties introduced at the last Provincial meeting.
W.Bro. Jim Payen – Charity
V.W.Bro. Graham Seeman & W.Bro. Huw Hopkin – Communication
V.W.Bro. Mike Sanders & W.Bro. Steve Berkshire – Recruitment/Retention/Reinvigoration
P.G.M. – Enjoyment
Feedback following the Seminar was very positive.

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