
PGM visits Wallingford Lodge of MMM No. 1162 - Wednesday 28th September 2016

The Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Richard Olliver visited Wallingford Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 1162 on Wednesday 28th September 2016 at the rquest of the Lodge Secretary, W Bro Frank Hames to deliver his presentation entitled “An Introduction to the Royal Ark Mariner Degree”.

Before the presentation however he presented Bro Bob Atkinson (centre) with the jewel of a Life Governor of the Mark Benevolent Fund. He thanked Bro Bob on his own behalf and that of the Mark Benevolent Fund for his generosity.

It transpired that eight of those present at the meeting had not taken the opportunity to be Elevated into the Royal Ark Mariner Degree and the PGM was hopeful that some would wish to change that situation. At the end of the presentation four Brethren completed an application form whilst those remaining said that they needed more time to consider their options.

A most successful evening I’m sure you will agree.

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