
PGM makes an Official Visit to Pangbourne Mark - Friday 8th July 2016

The PGM, RW Bro Richard Olliver, supported by 18 Provincial Officers (pictured above), was pleased to make an Official Visit to Pangbourne Lodge of MMM No. 1094 on Friday 8th July 2016. As pointed out by the PGM the previous official visit to Pangbourne Lodge was on 8th September 2005 when RW Bro Alan Brunning was the PGM, RW Bro Peter Sands, PPGM was the Deputy PGM, VW Bro Nick Murzell, PGMO was the Provincial Grand Secretary and RW Bro Richard was the Deputy Provincial Grand Secretary. He said a lot had changed since 2005 in the Province and of course especially to him personally.

The PGM took the opportunity of the evening to present to W Bro Paul Wilding, ProvGStwd (pictured on PGM’s right) with the breast jewel of a Life Governor of the Mark Benevolent Fund for which he thanked him for his personal generousity.

Of course the main purpose for the visit was to witness Bro John Patey (centre) being Advanced into the Degree of Mark Master Mason. The ceremony was conducted by the Worshipful Master, W Bro Terry Speight, PM, PPGReg (on candidates left) in an excellent manner ably assisted by all the Officers of the Lodge.

All present then retired to the Old Mill at Aldermaston where a festive board of cold meats and salad was served. In response to his toast the PGM said how much he had enjoyed the evening and thanked all the Provincial Officers for their tremendous and valued support at both the meeting and during the year. He went on to thank all who had purchased Bonus Ball numbers and was pleased to be able to take wine with all those Brethren who had kindly purchased a 2017 Festival Badge and were proudly wearing it.

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