
Pangbourne Lodge of MMM No. 1094 Virtual Business Meeting - Monday 22nd March 2021

The meeting was declared open at 19:30 hours The Presiding Officer extended a warm welcome to all.

The Secretary read the permission to hold a Virtual Business Meeting and the dispensation.

The eulogy for W.Bro. David Sleep Honorary Member of Pangbourne Lodge 1094 was given in moving way by W.Bro. Alan Spearman. A moment of silence was given to departed merit.

The Minutes of the 1st Virtual Business meeting, held on Monday 26th October 2020, which had already been circulated to all Brethren, were put to the Lodge for confirmation that the minutes be accepted. W.Bro. Terry Speight proposed and W.Bro. Alan Spearman seconded and this proposition was carried without dissent by a show of hands and will be signed by the Worshipful Master at the earliest opportunity.

W.Bro. Alan Spearman, gave the treasurers report. He stated the Lodge would be completely solvent by July of this year if all outstanding subs are paid. He explained that he had had to catch up a year’s income as the accounts had been kept a year in arrears. He thanked the brethren for their patience and generosity in helping bring the accounts to solvency. The Worshipful Master thanked Bro Alan and Bro John Jenkins for their efforts.

V.W.Bro. Graham Seeman gave an eloquent account of how BEMBA is close to giving aid to the Thames Valley Air Ambulance by purchasing equipment. Support is evolving to support brethren in hardship under the current COVID 19 situation. He urged all brethren to seek help through the Lodge Almoner at their earliest convenience. BeMBA is dynamic enough to assist quickly.

The RW Provincial Grand Master Brother Richard thanked all the brethren for their attendance and reminded all the brethren that they were all welcome to attend the Tuesday weekly Zoom meeting. He also added his thanks to W.Bro. Alan Spearman and Bro. John Jenkins for bringing the.accounts into good order. He also congratulated W.Bro. Adrian Lovell on his promotion to P.P.G.Senior Overseer. Finally, he wished all the brethren and their families well.

The presiding officer W.Bro. Phillip Damant declared the Lodge closed.

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