
Pangbourne Lodge of MMM No. 1094 - Monday 26th March 2018

The Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Richard J Olliver, GMRAC was delighted to be able to be present and witness the Installation of Bro Alan Raffaelli (2nd right) into the chair of Adoniram by W Bro Richard I Wilkins (2nd left). On this occasion the PGM was escorted by W Bro Steve Berkshire, PGStwd, ProvGDC (far right) and 10 other Provincial Officers.
W Bro Richard Installed Bro Alan in a most sincere manner which was enjoyed by all those present, however before the Installation took place the PGM was delighted to inform the Lodge that it had achieved the Mark Benevolent Award of Grand Patron Gold Award which you can see W Bro Alan Raffaelli proudly wearing.
The Lodge continued with their charity giving by presenting a cheque to the PGM for £500.00 for BeMBA. The PGM thanked the members of Pangbourne Lodge for their continued support to charity and passed the cheque to the Provincial Charity Steward and BeMBA Treasurer W Bro Jim Payen immediately.
Following this most rewarding meeting the members and guests dined at The Old Mill, Aldermaston in their usual style.

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