
The Lodge was opened in due form at The WM extended a warm welcome to all. We were visited by W. Bro Ted Lewis representing the RW Prov GM. W. Bro Ted was supported by 10 Acting Provincial Grand Officers. Bro Graham Grant was installed in an excellent manner by W. Bro Lindsay Maskell. We were treated an excellent rendition of the Working Tools by W. Bro Phillip Damant and the addresses without exception skilfully delivered by W. Bro’s Kevin Dodd (Master) Phillip Batten (Wardens) Richard Purdy (Overseers) and W. Bro Ted Lewis, the Brethren. This meeting exemplified what Mark masonry is all about. Friendship and brotherhood combined. We raised a good amount £215 at the raffle for BEMBA and made our annual donation. A great evening was had by all.

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