
Old Rectory Lodge of MMM No.1398 Virtual Business Meeting - Thursday 6th May 2021

Our third VBM took place on 6th May 2021 with appropriate Permission and Dispensations both of which were read to the Brethren once the Worshipful Master had declared the meeting open.
We were honoured by the presence of the R.W. P.G.M. Richard John Oliver G.M.R.A.C., W. Bro. Huw Hopkin Prov.G.Sec. and ten other distinguished visiting Brethren with W. Bro. David Edmunds, WM and 5 members of the Lodge. A total of 18 attendees.
The WM welcomed the RWPGM and the other guests for which the PGM responded.
The business allocated to the meeting was conducted in a smooth manner and all items were approved by the Brethren of the Lodge.
The RW PGM provided a comprehensive update on BeMBA which was appreciated and is fully detailed in the Lodge minutes. It was also good to learn the W. Bro. Brian Willmott is to be promoted to P.Prov.G.Insp.Wks in September.
The Presiding Officer closed the meeting at 6.30pm with thanks to all those attending with the hope that we will be able to carry out an advancement at our meeting in November.

Brian Cook P.Prov.G.S.O.

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