
Old Rectory Lodge of MMM No. 1398 receive the Provincial Travelling Keystone – Thursday 7th November 2019

On Thursday 7th November 2019 I had the great pleasure of being the representative of the Right Worshipful Grand Master to witness the Provincial Travelling Keystone being safely delivered to Old Rectory Lodge of MMM No. 1398 by a large contingent of members from Berkshire and Oxfordshire Installed Mark Masters Lodge No. 1330.
Representing 1330 were:
V.W.Bro. Mike Sanders, W.Bro. Steve Berkshire, W.Bro’s Terry Speight, Alan Spearman, David Lewingdon, Ted Lewis, Frank Hames, Clive Blackburn, Bob Watson, Dick Haydon, Richard Purdy & John Cooley.
The Travelling Keystone was received by W.Bro. Matthew Coward in an excellent manor.

The remainder of the ceremony ran very smoothly, with an excellent lecture being given by W.Bro. Terry Speight , and a photo was taken at the end of the evening.

The festive board was a great success with the traditional toasts being given.

W.Bro. Kevin Dodd, Prov.G.M.O.

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