
Old Rectory Lodge of MMM No. 1398 – 3rd May 2018


The Provincial Grand Grand Master, RW Bro Richard Olliver, GMRAC visited Old Rectory Lodge of MMM No. 1398 on Thursday 3rd May 2018 to witness Bro Marc Huws being Advanced into the degree of Mark Master Mason. Unfortunately the Worshipful Master, W Bro Howard West, was taken ill at the last minute and so the Lodge was opened and closed by the Immediate Past Master, W Bro Trevor Raymond and W Bro Terry Speight, PPGJW conducted the ceremony of Advancement. The candidate was conducted around the Lodge by W Bro Hugh Ranscombe, PPGSW, ProvGAlmoner who acted as Senior Deacon. The ceremony was performed in a splendid manner with all the officers performing their respective offices in a capable manner.
The PGM also presented to the Lodge the collarette of a Grand Patron for the Mark Benevolent, seen here being worn by the IPM, W Bro Trevor Raymond.
The picture above shows from left to right:
W Bro Hugh Ranscombe, PPGSW, ProvGAlmoner
W Bro Terry Speight, PPGJW
Bro Marc Huws
W Bro Trevor Raymond, IPM
RW Bro Richard Olliver, GMRAC, PGM
Following the meeting all present retired to the Mapledurham Golf Club where a good time was had by all.

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