
Official Visit @ Jersey Lodge of MMM No. 257 - Thursday 2nd March 2017

The PGM RW Bro Richard Olliver and a large proportion of the Provincial Officers (pictured above) visited Jersey Lodge of MMM No. 257 on Thursday 2nd March 2017 for an official visit.

On entering the Lodge the Provincial Grand Master assumed the Chair of Adorniram and informed the Brethren assembled that the last official visit was on Thursday 8th April 2010. At that time RW Bro Peter Sands was PGM, he was the Provincial Secretary, W Bro Ken Demmen was Worshipful Master and the current Worshipful Master, W Bro Graham Giddings was the Lodge Junior Deacon. Also on that day the Provincial Officers in attendance witnessed the Advancement of the birthday boy Bro Ramesh Kapur.

The PGM then looked back in time to see what other significant events had taken place on 8th April in history. He had found that Vivienne Westwood was born in 1941 in Tintwistle, Derbyshire, of course Ramesh Kapur was born in 1949, Julien Lennon was born in 1963 in Liverpool. 1977 saw The Clash, punk rock band, release their first album called “The Clash”. In 1992 Punch Magazine published their final issue, 1997 was the year that Martin Bell the BBC veteran reporter campaigned as an independent candidate for Tatton in the general election on a platform of an anti-corruption candidate which he went on to win with a majority of over 11000. On the same day in 2010 Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev signed a nuclear arms treaty in Prague, there were mud slides in Rio de Janeiro where over 200 died and 15000 were made homeless and finally Baroness Margaret Thatcher died aged 87 after suffering from a stroke.

Before vacating the chair the PGM was delighted to be able to present the following Brethren with Mark Benevolent Fund jewels collarettes,
W Bro John Nixon, PAGDC (2nd Right) – Patron
W Bro David Fisher, PAGDC ( 3rd right) – Grand Patron
The assembled throng then witnessed Bro’s Ian Christopher Faulkner (1st left) and Ian Kennedy (1st right) Advanced into Mark Masonry in a wonderful ceremony conducted by W Bro Hugh Ranscombe, PPGJW (3rd left).
All in all it was a excellent meeting enjoyed by all those present and afterwards the Brethren dined on Melon, Mango & Orange Cocktail, Roast Chicken Pie and Apple Strudel with custard.

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