
Official Visit @ Cranley Lodge of MMM No. 1616 - Monday 19th October 2020

It was a first for both Cranley Lodge of MMM No. 1616, an Official Visit via a Virtual Business  meeting.

The meeting was opened at 7:30pm by the Presiding Officer, W. Bro. David Gray. Bro. Secretary read the Dispensation to hold the Virtual Business meeting and the Presiding Officer welcomed the Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Bro. Richard Olliver and the Active Officers from the Province of Berkshire. The PGM responded saying how delighted he was to attend and introduced the 22 Provincial Officers in attendance. He said that his first official delegation to Cranley Lodge was when he was the Provincial Secretary on 14th April 2008 when W. Bro. Guy Barlow was in the chair and he Installed W.Bro. Tim MacAndrews as Worshipful Master. The PGM then gave a brief history of important events which had occurred on 14th April going back as far as 1865 when Abraham Lincoln had been assassinated.

W. Bro. Guy Barlow gave a very moving eulogy in memory of W.Bro. Richard Routledge, who died on 19th November 2019 and had been a much loved and highly respected member
of this Lodge.
RW. Bro. Richard Olliver gave an equally moving eulogy in memory of RW. Bro. Alan Brunning Past Provincial Grand Master of the Provincial Grand Lodge of MMM of Berkshire
who died on 22nd August 2020, a founder and highly respected member of Cranley Lodge. The Brethren bowed their heads in silent contemplation.

Bro. Secretary reported that the minutes of the 70th Regular meeting held on Monday 21st October 2019 had been previously circulated with the summons. Bro. Secretary had heard no dissenting voices and requested they be put to the vote. The minutes were voted on, passed, and signed by the Secretary on behalf of the WM and PGM.

A vote by a show of hands was taken for Bro. Robert Peel of Windsor Masonic Hall, Church Lane, Windsor to become a joining member of Cranley Lodge. He had been proposed by V.W.Bro Henry Hobson and seconded by W. Bro. Guy Barlow at the last meeting in open Lodge on 21st October 2019. The vote was in his favour. Bro. Peel thanked the Brethren for allowing him to join Cranley Lodge. The PGM said how nice it was to get Bro. Bob back in the Mark fold again.

W. Bro. Clive Pemble was declared as Master and W.Bro. Tim MacAndrews as Treasurer.

The Presiding Officer invited the PGM R.W. Bro. Richard Olliver to say a few words who advised that it was a delight to see so many here. It was the first time an executive visit had been made at a Virtual Business Meeting. The only thing he regretted was that no one could stay to dinner and sample the wonderful Cranley food and W. Bro. Guy’s suburb wines and Ports, he recommended that anyone who got a chance to visit a normal Cranley meeting should leave their car at home. He thanked everyone for attending and congratulated the Presiding Officer W.Bro. David Gray for managing the meeting so well.

Bro. Secretary reported that since the last meeting Cranley Lodge had donated £500.00 to the Windsor food bank and had received a very nice letter of thanks from them. Bro. Secretary also reported that W. Brian McCormack had been promoted to Provincial Grand Steward and was this evening attending in his capacity of Junior Overseer, Almoner and Provincial Grand Steward. Bro Secretary also reported that since the last meeting he had been promoted to Past Grand Junior Overseer and was now a Very Worshipful Brother. The Brethren applauded silently since most of them were on mute.

Cranley Lodge now have three candidates for Advancement. Mr. Adnan Hemary from Wraysbury, proposed by Bro. Patrick Wheelan and seconded by Bro. James Sampins. Mr. Stuart Dillaway from Egham, proposed by W. Bro. Timothy Smith and seconded by Bro. Graham Alexander and Mr. John Nash from Eton, proposed by W. Bro. Guy Barlow and seconded by Bro. Paul Davey and one member who wishes to join, W.Bro. Edoardo El-Attache who lives in London, he is proposed by W. Bro. Tim MacAndrews and seconded by V.W. Bro. Henry Hobson.

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