
Lodge Secretaries & DCs Meeting - Saturday 2nd September 2017

The second Lodge Secretaries and Director of Ceremonies seminar was held at Sindlesham on Saturday 2nd September 2017. A full english breakfast was served to those who needed some sustenance before the seminar started.
The Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Richard Olliver, opened the seminar and informed all present as to the format and agenda to be covered during the morning.
The seminar was then split into two groups, the DCs with W Bro Steve Berkshire (Provincial DC) and VW Bro Graham Seeman (DepPGM). The Secretaries with W Bro Mike Sanders (Provincial Secretary) and RW Bro Richard Olliver (PGM). Both groups covered areas relevant to their office and then re-gathered together for the PGM to make a presentation on membership & recruitment.
All present agreed it was a very useful forum and requested that it should be repeated every 2 years.

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