
Linden Acre Lodge of MMM No. 1568 Virtual Business Meeting - Tuesday 13th April 2021

On Tuesday 13th April Linden Acre Mark Lodge held its first Virtual Business Meeting at which eleven members were present together with the Provincial Grand Master and ten of his Provicial Officers. The meeting started at 6pm following which the Presiding Officer, R.W. Bro. Peter J Sands, rattled through the agenda in record time sticking firmly to the business in hand given there were other masonic VBM’s being held on the night to which some needed or wanted to attend, whilst others were keen to log-off and not miss the next must-see episode of Emmerdale/Corrie/Holby(!). The main item on the agenda was the election of a W.M. and Treasurer for the ensuing year and the lucky chaps nominated got their wish, namely Bro. Tim Sherwood as Master-Elect and W. Bro. John Kirkpatrick as Treasurer (again). Bro. Almoner reported that most members were in good spirits and most having received their first vaccine shot and some having had both … proof that the membership is old! Bro. Secretary, as the BeMBA representative for the Lodge having signally failed to keep up with what has been happening within the Association, called upon the Provincial Grand Master for an update who happily obliged and dug Bro. Secretary out of his hole. Sensing this was a good time not to pause too long the Presiding Officer closed the meeting at 6.25pm.

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