
Linden Acre Lodge of MMM No. 1568 – Tuesday 9th October 2018

After a period of two years as the Master of Linden Acre Lodge of MMM No. 1568 W.Bro. Graham Parker installed Bro. Ian Dixon Osborne as the Worshipful Master. Once Installed W.Bro. Ian appointed and invested his officers amongst whom was Bro. Stephen Heike (Steward) who joined the Lodge on the same evening. Bro. Steve was Advanced into the degree at Temple of Uxbridge Lodge No. 1393 in the Province of Middlesex on 21st February 2003 but unfortunately didn’t receive his Grand Lodge Certificate before he left the Lodge. This was rectified when the Provincial Grand Master took great pleasure in not only welcoming Bro. Steve back into the fold of Mark Masonry but also presented him with his certificate from some 18 years before.
Pictured above from left to right are:
W.Bro. Graham Parker (Installing Master)
Bro. Stephen Heike
W.Bro Ian Osborne (Worshipful Master)
R.W.Bro. Richard Olliver (PGM)

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