
Leopold Lodge of MMM No. 235 - Monday 4th April 2016

At the meeting of Leopold Lodge of MMM No. 235 on Monday 4th April the Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Richard Olliver presented Mark Benevolent Fund awards to W Bro’s Peter Hughes and Huw Hopkin.
The recipients are below from left to right:
W Bro Peter Hughes (Patron)
RW Bro Richard Olliver (PGM)
W Bro Huw Hopkin (Life Governor)

Following the presentation the PGM presented a Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro Richard Morgan and hoped he would have a long and happy time in the Degree.

The Worshipful Master, W Bro Elwyn Hopkin, then proceeded to Advance Bro Anil Gill (pictured below) to the degree of a Mark Master Mason in an excellent manner, ably supported by his officers and three travelling Mark Master Masons from Wallingford Lodge.

All then adjourned to the bar and festive board which consisted of Minestrone Soup, Chicken, leek & ham pie followed by either Profiteroles or cheese & biscuits where the atmosphere was one of concorde & fraternal affection. A most enjoyable time was had by all.

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