
Leopold Lodge of MMM No. 235 Installation Meeting - Monday 25th September 2017

he first Installation meeting of the season at the Leopold Lodge of MMM No. 235 saw the Provincial Grand Secretary representing the RW Provincial Grand Master supported by a large number of active Provincial Officers on their first outing since receiving their promotions at the Annual Provincial Meeting. The meeting was treated to an excellent ceremony by the Installing Master, W Bro Elywn Hopkin, culminating in W Bro Ray Duncan attaining the chair for the second time.

Unfortunately, a large number of regular officers were absent because of work commitments etc but their places were taken by a willing band of volunteer visitors.

During the meeting the Representative of the Provincial Grand Master presented Bro Paul Claxton with his Grand Lodge certificate wishing Paul a long and happy association with the Order. He also presented him with a leaflet about the Royal Ark Mariner Degree pointing out that such a Lodge is already moored to Leopold Mark should he wish to join. (No pressure Paul)

A highlight of any meeting is when something new is learnt. This meeting was no exception when the Installing Master saluted the newly Installed Master with the sign of an Installed Master which was rather unique and left some of the members of the Board of Installed Masters somewhat bemused.

With the Lodge DC, W Bro Huw Hopkin, who happens to be the Brother of the Installing Master, running around filling a variety of offices, the whole meeting quickly flew by.

The evening closed under the careful guidance of the Provincial Assistant Director of Ceremonies, W Bro Mike Warner, with the usual spirited festive board that was enjoyed by all and at which the usual Mark Masonic toasts were celebrated.

The photograph shows the Representative of the Provincial Master with Bro Paul Claxton displaying his new certificate, the new Worshipful Master, W Bro Ray Duncan, the Installing Master, W Bro Elywn Hopkin and the Assistant Provincial DC, W Bro Mike Warner. (The observant will notice that one usual face is missing from the photograph. Guesses on a post card to the Provincial Secretary if you can identify who it is. Note that no prize will go to successful contestants)

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