Due to the unavoidable absence (hip replacement) of the Leopold Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Neil Howard the Adavancement ceremony of Bro. Matthew Hodgetts was conducted by 3 Past Masters of the Lodge, W.Bro’s Ray Duncan, Huw Hopkin and David Green and the Provincial Secretary V.W.Bro. Mike Sanders. The ceremony was conducted in a excellent manner by these four Brethren with W.Bro. Elwyn Hopkin acting as Senior Deacon and guiding the candidate in the ceremony extremely well.
Talking to Bro Matt at the bar and festive board he thoroughly enjoyed the ceremony and felt the atmosphere in the Lodge and at the after proceedings was brilliant.
Pictured left to right are:
R.W.Bro. Richard Olliver, PGM
W.Bro. Ray Duncan, P.P.G.Stwd
Bro. Matthew Hodgetts
W.Bro. Huw Hopkin, G.Stwd., Dep.Prov.G.Sec
V.W.Bro. Mike Sanders, P.G.J.O., Prov.G.Secretary
W.Bro. David Green, P.P.G.S.W.