
Leopold Lodge of Mark Masters No. 235 Virtual Business Meeting - Monday 25th January 2020

A virtual business meeting was held on 25th January2021 attended by 8 members of the Lodge and 10 Provincial officers. W. Bro. Neil Howard declared the meeting open and the dispensations were read. The minutes of the last meeting were proposed, seconded and approved.

There was no formal Lodge business to conduct at this meeting so W. Bro. Huw Hopkin updated everyone regarding the latest information from Mark Masons Hall and the ongoing Provincial activities such as the weekly zoom calls and the newly introduced on line Lodge of Instruction.

The Treasurer gave an overview of the accounts and that these would have been audited by the next meeting in March. In Any Other Business there was a general discussion amongst the attendees and W. Bro. Neil thanked the Province for supporting the Lodge so well. As one member said if this had been a real meeting, we would have had no problem filling all the offices.

The meeting was closed at 20.16 hrs.

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