
Jersey Lodge of MMM No. 257 Virtual Business Meeting - Thursday 17th December 2020

The Virtual Business Meeting of the Jersey Lodge of MMM No. 257 was opened by the Worshipful Master, Vito Mingolla, at 6:30 PM on Thursday 17th December 2020. In attendance were 20 members of the Lodge and 7 guests. The secretary read the letter issued by the Provincial Grand Secretary from the Provincial Grand Master to allow the Lodge to hold the Virtual Business Meeting. This was followed by reading the dispensation to hold the meeting without the Warrant of the Lodge being present.

The minutes of the meeting held on Friday 2nd October 2020 that had been circulated to members were approved by a show of hands.

In pursuant to the notices of motion given at the October meeting, the Lodge had great pleasure in electing  W. Bro. Neil Ratcliffe and W. Bro. Graham Giddings to be honorary members of the Lodge by a show of hands for all their work and support over the many years they have been members. Everyone was very pleased that W. Bro. Graham was able to join the Zoom meeting to receive this honour from the Lodge.

The Charity Steward, W. Bro. David Fisher, gave his report and the Secretary gave the Almoner’s report who was unable to attend.

The Provincial Grand Master congratulated the two new honorary members of the Lodge and then wished everyone a safe and happy Christmas.

The Worshipful Master also wished everyone a safe and Happy Christmas and declared the meeting closed.

The meeting was far removed from the usual Jersey Christmas meeting where at the Festive board we have the Sainsbury’s Singers entertaining us with Christmas carols and getting us to join in with them. Hopefully this will be the one and only Virtual Business Meeting of the Lodge! However, the VBMs and frequent Zoom meetings have kept Lodge business active  and keeping everyone in contact during this Covid 19 pandemic.

W. Bro Les Canham

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