
Grand Lodge Certificates, MBF Awards Presented and an Installation meeting @ Caduceus Lodge of MMM No. 1631 - Monday 6th March 2017

It was a very busy eveing at the Installation meeting of Caduceus Lodge of MMM No. 1631 on Monday 6th March 2017.

Firstly the Provincial Grand Master paraded into the Lodge supported by many of the Provincial Officers, he took the chair and thanked the assembled throng for the way in which he and his officers were received. Of course it was the Installation meeting of Bro Iain Marnock and many had gathered to witness this great event. However before that took place the Provincial Grand Master made the following Awards on behalf of the Mark Benevolent Fund:

Bro Rodney Bancroft (2nd left) – Vice Patron
W Bro John Keeble (3rd left) – Patron
W Bro Rev Canobn Graham Foulis-Brown (1st right) – Life Governor
W Bro Russell Pendse (2nd right) – Grand Patron (Lodge Award)

When presenting the awards the PGM thank each of the Brethren on his own behalf and on behalf of the Mark Benevolent Fund for there individual generousity and in presenting the Grand Patron Award to the Worshipful Master he thanked all the members of Caduceus Lodge of MMM No. 1631 for their collective generousity.

After hearing and approving the minutes the PGM vacated the chair in favour of the Worshipful Master and in so doing he thanked the WM for allowing to take the chair for a few minutes.

The accounts were then presented followed by the RW Provincial Grand Master presenting Grand Lodge Certificates to Bro John Waters (1st left), Bro Matthew Eaton (4th right) and also Bro Mark Heppelthwaite who managed to escape the photo call.

If that wasn’t enough the Lodge presented the PGM with yet another cheque towards the Mark Festival which totalled £1000.000. A most generous donation and one that was gratefully received.

Then of course it was the event the assembled gathering had come to see, the Installation of Bro Iain Marnock (3rd right) by the Worshipful Master, W Bro Russell Pendse, in a most sincere manner. The new WM then invested and appointed his officers of the year thanked everyone for attending, conducted the rest of the agenda, closed the Lodge and all repaired to the bar before dining on Asparagus Soup, Braised Steak and Banoffee Pie. Of course at the festive board the usual raffle was conducted and W Bro Hugh Ranscombe did his usual thing in quietly selling Bonus Balls in aid of the festival.

A great evening all conducted in a great atmosphere which all seemed to enjoy.

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