
Gary Mitchell takes the Chair @ Charles Wilkinson - Thursday 5th October 2017

It was on 10th October 1969 when W Bro Gary Donald Mitchell was Advanced into Prince Albert Lodge of MMM No. 352 in one of those Northern Provinces. He resigned on 31st December 1979 and was then lost to the wilderness until he rejoined at Charles Wilkinson Lodge of MMM No. 1657 on 24th April 2008 following a presentation on the Mark Degree by RW Bro Rev Neville Barker-Cryer at Sindlesham. It was at this presentation that he owned up to RW Bro Peter Sands that he was indeed a Mark Man and felt it was time to rejoin. It has taken Gary a total of 48 years to attain the chair which much be some sort of record, unless you know otherwise of course.
It was a very special pleasure for the Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Richard Olliver, GMRAC and his Deputy VW Bro Graham Seeman to witness the occasion which was conducted in a splendid manner by W Bro Steve Croston.

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