
Friendship & Care Lodge of MMM No. 1555 – Tuesday 15th January 2019


On Tuesday 15th January 2019, Bro. Mark Hicks was Advanced into the Friendship and Care Mark Lodge of MMM No. 1555 by the Worshipful Master, V.W.Bro. Graham Seeman, P.G.J.O., DepPGM.
W.Bro. Phillip Batten was also presented with a gift in thanks for his 12 years service as Tyler. As Phillip said, it was only supposed to be for one evening but it lasted a bit longer tha that. I have to thanks W.Bro. Bob Rumbold for that pleasure.
All pictured with the P.G.M. R.W.Bro. Richard Olliver, G.M.R.A.C.



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