
Erlegh Lodge of MMM No. 1627 – Saturday 8th September 2018


The Erlegh Lodge of MMM No. 1627 had a meeting on Saturday, 8th. September 2018.

The Lodge Opened with 10 Members and the Tyler (11 in total) in attendance. The main item on the Agenda was for each Member to read a piece of the Mark Tracing Board. This was done and the total aided the daily advancement in Masonic knowledge for those present.

Bro. Steve W. May was Elected as the next Master to be Installed at our March 2019 Meeting. We also elected a new Treasurer for next year he is W.Bro. E. Douglas Marlow.

The Meeting was very convivial and enjoyable. The Fish & Chips after proceedings were enjoyed by the 9 attendees who partook thereof.

Sincerely & fraternally
W.Bro. Silverio Ostrowski, Prov.G.S.W.

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