
Erlegh Lodge of MMM No. 1627 Installation Meeting - Saturday 26th March 2016

The Erlegh Lodge of MMM No. 1627 held its Installation Meeting on Saturday 26th March 2016 which was attended by the Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Richard Olliver; W Bro Hugh Ranscombe, Provincial Grand Senior Warden; W Bro Huw Hopkin, Provincial Grand Junior Warden; W Bro Mike Sanders, PAGDC, Provincial Grand Secretary; W Bro Steve Berkshire, GStwd, Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies; W Bro Bob Britten, Provincial Grand Senior Overseer; W Bro Bob Elmes, Provincial Grand Junior Deacon, W Bro Tony Hardiman, PM, PGStdB, Provincial Grand Almoner & W Bro Simon Jeffery, Deputy Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies together with 12 other Brethren.
At the meeting W Bro Peter Lloyd was proclaimed as the Worshipful Master for the Masonic year 2016 – 17 following which the Provincial Grand Master congratulated W Bro Peter on attaining his 49th Chair in Freemasonry.

(Back L-R) W Bro’s Mike Sanders, Bob Britten, Bob Elmes, Simon Jeffery, Tony Hardiman & Steve Berkshire

(Front L-R) W Bro Hugh Ranscombe, RW Bro Richard Olliver (PGM), W Bro Peter Lloyd (WM) & W Bro Huw Hopkin

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