
Erlegh Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 1627 – Saturday 23rd March 2019

In spite of the London Brexit march to revoke Article 50 that took place on the same day as Erlegh Lodge of MMM No. 1627’s Installation Meeting, the Lodge had 23 Masons attend. On the occasion, the Provincial Grand Master was represented by W.Bro. Guy Barlow, Prov.G.S.W. who was received and welcomed warmly. The Meeting Opened and progressed in good and orderly fashion and following a eulogy for V.W.Bro. Nick J. Murzell – who was a Founder of Erlegh Mark Lodge – given by W.Bro. A. (Tony) J. Hardiman the normal Agenda was pursued. The Opening Master, W.Bro. E. Douglas Marlow conducted an efficient Installation Ceremony placing Bro. Steve W. May into the Chair. W. Bro. S.W. May Appointed and Invested his Officers with warmth and conviviality. The various Addresses were delivered with a competency that showed full dedicated and rehearsed effort.
The remainder of the Meeting went smoothly and the business was catered with ease and completeness. During the Meeting there was some humour – within the bounds of propriety – which aided the holding of attendees’ attention. The happy and harmonious Meeting ended on a pleasant and cordial note with all retiring with a smile.
The occasion ended with a very good Festive Board that was noisy, happy and full of conversation which all made for a wonderful afternoon and evening with everyone going home with a high sense of inner feeling that only Masonry can achieve.

W.Bro. Silverio L. Ostrowski – Secretary

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