
Deputy PGM visits Wallingford Lodge of MMM No. 1162 - Wednesday 12th April 2017

The Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VW Bro Graham Seeman, PGJO, visited Wallingford Mark Lodge No. 1162 to see Bro Barry Church Advanced into the degree. The ceremony was carried out by W Bro Mike Sanders, PAGDC, ProvGSec who stood in at very short notice when the WM was delayed from returning from a trip to France. However, W Bro Mike was confirmed as Master Elect for next year so this ceremony was useful practice!

The DepPGM also presented W Bro Alan Miles with the collarette of a Patron of the Mark Benevolent Fund to mark his continued generosity to the 2017 Festival.

The photograph shows (l to r) The DepPGM, Bro Garry Church, W Bro Mike Sanders and W Bro Alan Miles wearing his new collarette.”

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