
Deputy PGM visits Jersey Lodge of MMM No. 257 - Friday 14th October 2016


The Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VW Bro Graham Seeman, PGJO, visited the Jersey Lodge of Mark Master Masons, No 257 on Friday 14th October when Bro Graham Giddings (2nd left) was Installed into the Chair of Adoniram by the Worshipful Master W Bro Rodney Hing (2nd right) who was most ably assisted by W Bro Hugh Ranscombe, ProvAsstGAlm who gave an excellent rendition of the inner working.

Before retiring for an excellent Festive Board the Deputy Provincial Grand Master was presented with cheques for the 2017 MBF Festival which amounted to more than £2,500, the DepPGM thanked the lodge most sincerely for the incredible generosity.


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