
Deputy PGM visits Charles Wilkinson Lodge of MMM No. 1657 - Thursday 6th October 2016

The Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VW Bro Graham Seeman, PGJO, visited the Charles Wilkinson Lodge of Mark Master Masons, No 1657 on Thursday 6th October to witness Bro Stephen Croston (2nd right) Installed into the Chair of Adoniram by W Bro Gerry Robins (right) in an excellent example of the Mark Installation ceremony.

The occasion was tinged with sadness as the meeting was on the same day as the funeral of W Bro Martin Bernstein, PPGJO, a very well known and most popular brother throughout the Province and, indeed, throughout the wider masonic community in Berkshire. A very moving eulogy was delivered by W Bro Bernard Greenwold, PPGSO.

The Deputy Provincial Grand Master was also able to present a Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro Graham Howe (left).

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