
Cranley Lodge of MMM No. 1616 Vitual Business Meeting - Monday 12th April 2021

A very successful Virtual Business Meeting was held on Monday 12th April by members of Cranley Lodge and Provincial Officers from the Mark Province of Berkshire

There were a total of 29 Brethren who attended in white shirts wearing black ties in remembrance of Brother HRH The Prince Philip. Duke of Edinburgh.

The P.G.M. R.W. Bro. Richard Olliver and visitors were given a warm welcome by the Presiding Officer, W. Bro. David Gray and the business of the Lodge was speedily conducted.  Part of the business was to vote to give a considerable donation to both BeMBA and the MBF.  The vote was successful and Cranley Lodge should soon be awarded with the collaret of Grand Patron Diamond.

There was a fair bit of good natured banter about the food and wines served after the Cranley meetings.  The members and guests were all hopeful that the next meeting on 18th October would return to being a regular meeting with a triple Advancement to prepare for.

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