
Charles Wilkinson Lodge of MMM No. 1657 – Thursday 3rd October 2019

The Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Richard Olliver, made his first visit of the new year to the Installation meeting of the Charles Wilkinson Lodge of MMM No. 1657 on Thursday 3rd October 2019

A Grand Lodge certificate was presented to Bro. Bruce Glasby (unfortunately not in the photo) and Bro. Lawrence Freeman was welcomed as a joining member (first left).

The main event of the evening was to Install Bro. Raymond Alexander (2nd right) into the chair of Adoniram which was done with great sincerity by W.Bro. Ivor Schrago (1st right). The new Worshipful Master invested his officers, all the progressive offices being filled by Mark Master Masons who are progressing toward the chair.

Following the formal part of the proceedings the majority present retired to the bar before dining in the New Thames room in a most enjoyable manner.

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