
Bro. David Grey takes the chair @ Cranley Lodge of MMM No. 1616 – Monday 8th April 2019



A wonderful evening was had at Cranley Lodge of MMM No. 1616 on Monday 8th April 2019. Firstly the Provincial Grand Master was asked to present two Grand Lodge certificates to Bro’s. Patrick Whelan and Graham Alexander. Secondly Bro. David Grey was Installed into the chair of Adoniram by W.Bro. Brian McCormack the Immediate Past Master in an exemplary fashion. This was due to W.Bro. Tim Smith being unavoidably absent due to having an operation for a detached retina.
Following the meeting all retired to Windsor Guildhall where we dined in the usual style adopted by Cranley Lodge, wonderful food and carefully selected wine and port.




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