
Berkshire & Oxfordshire Lodge of Installed Mark Masters No.1330 Virtual Business Meeting - Friday 7th May 2021

The Presiding Officer W.Bro. Les Langley, P.G.Std.B declared the meeting open at 19.35hrs. The 43 brethren who had logged on, all of whom seemed in good spirits, heard (not for the first time !!!) the Letter of Permission to hold a Virtual Business Meeting and the Dispensation to hold it without the Warrant being present, read by the lodge secretary.
The minutes of the last VBM were confirmed and following a successful vote W.Bro. David A. Edmonds was acknowledged as a joining member of the lodge. W.Bro. David being unable to attend denied our PGM the opportunity of welcoming him as the latest member of the lodge. However, the Secretary undertook to communicate the good news together with a copy of the lodge By-Laws, and no doubt the Treasurer would also be in contact……
The lodge conducted the necessary business of the meeting the highlight being W.Bro. Les Langley being elected Master Elect and W.Bro. Jim Payen, P.G.J.D. being re-elected as Treasurer, the latter having had his accounts for 2020 approved by the brethren.
The current account examiners and the BeMBA Representative were re-elected. V.W.Bro. Mike Sanders was elected as the lodge representative on the Wallingford Association of Masonic Lodges taking over from W.Bro. Eddie Lennon who has undertaken this task for many years and felt it time to stand down and hand the job to another . The members thanked Eddie, in absentia, for his diligent works.
The lodge agreed to have further discussion relating to its nomination of a local hospice to be the recipient of a donation under the MBF Major Capital Grant of £ 1.25 million.
Our PGM expressed his thanks to the large number of Provincial Officers, who continue to support all the VBM’s of lodges within the Province for their attendance and contribution.
Resumption was the word on the lips of most present and it was hoped that the next meeting of the lodge on 22nd October 2021 would be a face to face meeting at which time the Master Elect would be Proclaimed and the new Provincial Mark Banner dedicated. Before that however it was hoped that the meeting of Wallingford Mark on the 30th June 2021, would signal the resumption of ‘normal’ Mark Masonry within the province.
On that mark of optimism, the Presiding Officer declared the meeting closed at 20.15hrs.

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