
Berks & Oxon Installed Mark Masters Lodge No. 1330 Installation – 4th May 2018

The Provincial Grand Grand Master, RW Bro Richard Olliver, GMRAC and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VW Bro David Seeman, PGJO attended the Berkshire & Oxfordshire Installed Masters Lodge No. 1330 to witness W Bro Alan Gordon Spearman, PAGSwdB be Installed into the Chair of Adoniram by W Bro Michael Brian White, PGJD.
The PGM was offered the gavel of the Lodge which he accepted, he gave a short eulogy in memory of his good friend W Bro Colin Hayes, PPGJW who passed away on 22nd November 2017.
The minutes were taken, signed by the PGM and WM and before he vacated the chair had the greatest of pleasure in presenting the Lodge with a Mark Benevolent Fund collarette of a Grand Patron Diamond Award.
Four new members joined on the evening in the persons of W Bro’s Bernard Greenwold, ProvGJW, Michael Hennessy, Henry Wade and Les Canham.
The Master Elect, W Bro Alan Spearman was Installed as WM by W Bro Michael White, he appointed his officers, alms were collected and all present retired to the bar area for pre-dinner drinks. The menu was its usual good fair with those present dining on Carrot & Coriander Soup, Braised Steak in red wine sauce, Citrus Lemon Tart with cream or cheese & biscuits.

Pictured above from left to right are:
VW Bro Graham Seeman, PGJO, DepPGM
W Bro Michael White, PGJD
W Bro Alan Spearman, PAGSwdB
RW Bro Richard Olliver, PGM

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