
B & O Installed Mark Masters Lodge No. 1330 – Friday 25th October 2019

On Friday 25th October I had the pleasure of representing the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master at Berkshire & Oxfordshire Lodge of Installed Masters No. 1330 to witness on his behalf the transfer of this important item of Provincial equipment. This was delivered by the members of Wilder Lodge of MMM No. 1868 who were led by their Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Peter Lloyd, accompanied by V.W. Bro. Mike Sanders and W.Bro’s. Tony Hardiman, Frank Hames, Ted Lewis, David Lewingdon & John Cooley, who passed the Keystone on to W.Bro. Les Langley. He delegated the responsibility of showing it all around the Lodge to W.Bro. Peter Oakley. (Elbow crutches being a considerable problem to carrying the Keystone). The whole ceremony ran very smoothly and afterwards the Principle Officers of the Lodge together with the Wilder members, were photographed along with the guest speaker for the evening, Bro. Peter Sharpe (Brigadier Retd) prior to going to a convivial Festive Board.
The Travelling Keystone will be passed to the Old Rectory Lodge No. 1398 on Thursday 7th November 2019.

W.Bro. Brian J Cook, ProvGSO

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