
Another Advancement @ Leopold Lodge of MM No. 235 - Monday 27th March 2017

Pictured above from left to right are:
Bro Paul Claxton(Advancee)
RW Bro Richard Olliver (Provincial Grand Master)
W Bro Elwyn Hopkin, PM (Worshipful Master)
W Bro Jeremy Sims, PM, PPGReg (Registrar of Marks)
W Bro Peter Hughes, PM, PGJD (Chaplain)
Bro Chris Wood

Yet another Advancement at Leopold Lodge Lodge of Mark Masters No. 235 when Bro Paul Claxton was admitted into the Degree of Mark Master Mason. The ceremony once again was conducted in an exemplary manner by W Bro Elwyn Hopkin (the fourth in his two years as WM) and his officers. Bro Paul found the ceremony most interesting and was keen to get totally involved and engrossed in the ceremony, great to see.

The PGM also presented a Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro Chris Wood who was Advanced on 30th January 2017 as witnessed by the PGM.

Mark Benevolent Fund collarrettes were also presented by the PGM to:
W Bro Jeremy Sims (Patron)
W Bro Peter Hughes (Grand Patron)
The PGM thanked both recipients for their personal generousity.

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