
A Vitual Business Meeting @ Wantage Lodge of MMM No. 1207 - Monday 14th September 2020

On Monday 14th September Wantage Lodge of MMM No. 1207 held their first Virtual Busisness Meeting (VBM). W.Bro. Ian Hopgood, P.P.G.S.W. acted as the Presiding Officer and declared the Lodge open as the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Henry Bishop was having difficulty in getting his microphone to work. In all 11 members and the Provincial Grand Master attended,  once the permission to hold the meeting was read by the Secretary, W.Bro. Geoff Webb, P.P.G.S.W. the Provincial Grand Master delivered a eulogy to R.W.Bro. Alan F Brunning, Past Provincial Grand Master who sadly passed away on Tuesday 22nd August 2020. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed and apologies given for the meeting. The Master was elected for the following year in the person of  W.Bro. Henry Bishop and he annouced that all his Officers would remain the same. The Treasurer gave his report followed by the Almoner and the representative of the Hall management Committee. Any other business was taken following which the presiding officer declared the Lodge closed.

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